ResultsWe have been providing the GumTarget Initiative to Local Authority clients since 2003 and we are rather proud of our success to date. Every partner who has launched a GumTarget trial has been so pleased with the results that they have continued beyond that initial trial period.In Luton, Jon Maddox reduced the cost of specialist gum removal services by 50% making a direct saving for his Authority. In Acton the London Borough of Ealing has collected over 40,000 pieces of gum on their GumTargets. That's an awful lot of gum that could have ended up stuck to the pavement. Swansea has been so pleased with their GumTargets that they have started to install them in secondary schools as have a number of other Local Authority clients. Perhaps Pat DeJesus at Wimbledon sums it up best when she told us "They can be easily self serviced with little to no extra cost and they also provide a visible difference whether that be on the GumSheet or on the floor. We have experienced no problems." Please take a look at the results, contact us for more information and we will be happy to provide you with contact details for our customers so you can take their word for it rather than just ours. Quick Links