
Can Gum Manufacturers Help in Littering Solution?

The Role of Gum Manufacturers in Addressing Gum Litter The first step for manufacturers lies in acknowledging their part in the lifecycle of chewing gum and committing to sustainable innovations. Continuous research can lead to the development of new formulas for gum that are less harmful to the environment. These novel formulations could make the […]

How Urban Centers Address Chewing Gum Litter

Many cities have recognized that the best way to deal with gum litter is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Education campaigns and providing more trash bins are some of the first steps. These campaigns often target all age groups, stressing the importance of proper disposal and the negative impacts of littering. […]

Reviewing Gum-Removal Products

Gum-Removal Arsenal Freeze sprays and refrigerant gels are designed to tackle the issue of gum adhesiveness by quickly chilling the gum. This change in temperature makes it much easier to remove the gum mechanically. What stands out about these products is their rapid action, which is particularly valuable when addressing gum deposits in high-traffic areas. […]

Public Transport and Gum Litter

The prevalence of chewed gum adhered to public transport seating is indicative of a broader lack of civic responsibility. Each little lump represents an individual decision to disregard communal well-being for private ease. Discarded gum can harbor bacteria, leading to hygiene concerns. The maintenance effort required to remove these stubborn spots drains resources and time […]

How Chewing Gum Evolved Through the Years

The Ancient Roots of Chewing Gum The practice of chewing gum in ancient times was far from the recreational activity we consider today. The Greeks chewed mastic—a natural resin—as a means of maintaining oral hygiene. Cleansing their teeth and freshening their breath, the act of chewing this resin, which they called mastichan, played a part […]

Turning Gum Waste into New Products

Chewing gum is made from polymers, which are synthetic rubbers designed to maintain their chewy texture and resist decomposition. This makes them a persistent environmental problem as they do not biodegrade easily. Gum waste is often improperly disposed of, adding to the mammoth task faced by urban cleaning services. Innovative minds across the globe have […]

Innovative Urban Techniques for Cleaning Chewing Gum 

Removing gum from concrete and pavements has been a laborious process involving scraping and the application of harsh chemicals. These methods can cause damage to surfaces and create environmental issues due to chemical runoff. Modern techniques prioritize efficiency, surface integrity, and eco-friendliness.   Innovative Methods for Gum Removal The Steam Cleaning method has become a […]

Analyzing the Effectiveness of Gum Litter Fines

Unlike other forms of waste that can disintegrate over time, gum is made from synthetic materials that resist natural degradation. When gum is carelessly discarded onto sidewalks and streets, it becomes a permanent fixture. Municipalities worldwide are grappling with this issue, and the financial burden is significant. Cleaning up gum requires specialized equipment and intense […]

Environmentally Friendly Alternatives to Traditional Chewing Gum

Most consumers are unaware that mainstream gums are manufactured from butadiene-based synthetic rubber as their base. This ingredient is non-biodegradable, meaning it won’t degrade naturally over time. When discarded irresponsibly, chewing gum contributes to environmental pollution and poses a significant challenge to waste management. Statistics suggest over 374 billion pieces of chewing gum are sold […]

Marketing Strategies – How Chewing Gum Brands Stay Relevant

Adapting to consumer trends is not just a matter of keeping pace with the market — it’s a thorough recalibration of what a brand offers and how it communicates with its customer base. For chewing gum brands, this has meant recognizing and aligning with the wellness movement that has swept through consumer behavior in recent […]