
Is Chewing Gum Recycling Feasible on a Large Scale?

To grasp the challenges and possibilities of recycling chewing gum, it’s necessary to understand what it’s made of. The gum base was derived from chicle, a natural rubber from the sapodilla tree. Most chewing gums are made from synthetic rubbers, making them more durable but also more of a headache to dispose of properly. These […]

Festivals, Events, and Gum Litter

Early Planning is Key Organizers are tasked with identifying high-traffic areas where attendees are more likely to dispose of gum carelessly. These insights are invaluable as they guide the strategic placement of disposal units and bins, making them more accessible and thus encouraging proper gum disposal. Understanding the flow of attendee movement allows for the […]

Gum Litter in the Oceans

Every day, millions of people around the world chew gum, and many dispose of it irresponsibly. Most modern chewing gums are made from synthetic rubber, similar to the plastics filling our oceans. This means they are not biodegradable. When you toss a gum piece onto the street, it’s just as bad as throwing out a […]

Volunteer Efforts in Gum Removal

Gum does not degrade over time. It clings to surfaces, accumulating dirt and pollutants, becoming a breeding ground for bacteria. The removal process is neither simple nor quick. It requires specific tools and, in most cases, a whole lot of elbow grease. The challenge is daunting, but community volunteers are tackling it with determination and […]

Innovative Chewing Gum Brands Leading the Eco-Friendly Charge

The Rise of Biodegradable Gums Biodegradable gums differ from their traditional counterparts primarily in their composition. The conventional synthetic rubber base is replaced with natural substances such as chicle, a sap harvested from the sapodilla tree. Chicle is fully biodegradable, breaking down like that of organic matter. The use of chicle and other natural bases […]

New Technology in the Fight Against Gum Litter

Smart Bins Smart bins are equipped with a range of technologies that distinguish them significantly from their ordinary counterparts. One of their most notable features is sensor technology, which allows these bins to monitor waste levels. This capability optimizes collection routes and schedules, ensuring that bins are emptied just in time. By avoiding unnecessary collection […]

Guide to Chewing Gum Litter Prevention

Unlike most other waste, chewing gum isn’t biodegradable. Thanks to its synthetic base, similar to plastic, gum doesn’t break down over time, making it a persistent pollutant. It’s a sticky nightmare, clinging to surfaces and requiring special cleaning techniques to remove, which can be costly for municipalities and businesses alike.   Best Practices for Consumers […]

Can Gum Manufacturers Help in Littering Solution?

The Role of Gum Manufacturers in Addressing Gum Litter The first step for manufacturers lies in acknowledging their part in the lifecycle of chewing gum and committing to sustainable innovations. Continuous research can lead to the development of new formulas for gum that are less harmful to the environment. These novel formulations could make the […]

How Urban Centers Address Chewing Gum Litter

Many cities have recognized that the best way to deal with gum litter is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Education campaigns and providing more trash bins are some of the first steps. These campaigns often target all age groups, stressing the importance of proper disposal and the negative impacts of littering. […]

Reviewing Gum-Removal Products

Gum-Removal Arsenal Freeze sprays and refrigerant gels are designed to tackle the issue of gum adhesiveness by quickly chilling the gum. This change in temperature makes it much easier to remove the gum mechanically. What stands out about these products is their rapid action, which is particularly valuable when addressing gum deposits in high-traffic areas. […]